Friday, May 8, 2009

Fund Development for Kenya

Fund Development. That’s what we call it at work. I guess it’s the professional way to say “show me the money!” I strongly dislike asking for money but there’s no way out of it because this trip costs $3,000. I need to raise half that amount by June to purchase my airfare. Thanks to Aunt Kristie’s Cookie Lee proceeds, my roommate Kate, and Grandma Houk (may she rest in peace) via Kristie, Pami and Mom, I am almost halfway there! My dear friends, Julie and Ed Dunn are hosting a fundraising dinner party on Saturday, May 30 to help me raise more money. Plus, I’ve sent out letters of support. I am so grateful for the generosity of all my friends and family!

If I raise over $3,000, which I’m optimistic about, I plan to buy needed items for the kids and contribute to the Hope Community Centre washing machine fund. The women wash tons of baby clothes and diapers by hand in buckets everyday and hang them out to dry--and it rains everyday! They just got electric lines from the city, so they have electricity full time now. Wouldn’t that be awesome if we could all pool our money together and buy a washing machine for them! Also, when our team leader, Debbie went to visit in April, the kids were asking for more toothbrushes and she only had enough for half of them. She had them go through a line with their toothbrushes, and replaced the most worn out ones. Also, diapers are big as they have a lot more babies now, and they are using old towels. I'm hoping to purchase some reusable diapers and bring them with me.

At our last Kenya meeting, Debbie told us that she asked “Momma” Lucy, founder of Hope Community Centre, the orphanage for abandoned street children, if it would be better to give her the cash instead of using the money to send herself to Kenya. Lucy said, you will never know how much it means to the children that you come all the way from America to Africa to visit THEM. And you can’t put a price tag on that.


Stephenie Craig said...

Sister, I'm so excited about your trip and look forward to following the blog. I'll be sending you a check in the mail soon for the trip! I know this is going to be amazing.